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Red Oaks Primary School

Celebrating Children 2020-2021 - Forest Class: Miss Harvey
Feb 22: NSPCC number day
Forest class really enjoyed NSPCC number day where they had two problems that they had to explore and solve.
Problem one involved making a flower garden using one piece of numicon. They could use the four piece (lily) , five piece (rose) or the six piece (tulip) and they had to try to fill in the garden with flowers without any spill over. After investigating, they found out that the roses could not be used but the lilies and the tulips could because they were even numbers. Brilliant work!
Problem two involved a dartboard and the children had to make different totals by only using 3 of the numbers on the dartboard. They were allowed to double the numbers to hit the bullseye in the middle. What a morning had filled with having fun with numbers and problem solving.
Red Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary School
Red Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary School

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