David - How do feel if you are not honest?
Sad because if I don't tell an adult that I'm honest I might loose some of my playtime for 5 minutes.I would be angry,upset,cross and unhappy.
Candence - Y6 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is important because your friends won't believe you if you are not honest and lie.
Daniel - Y6 - Why is honesty important?
I think honesty is important because it can define people's opinions about you and can make consequences worse or better.
Amelie - Y6 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is important because if you do something bad and then don't own up to it, someone else might get into trouble even though they didn't do the bad thing.
Angel - Y4 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is really important because if your're not honest to your friend, your friend would feel sad because you would be lying to your best friend, that's why you should be honest
Ollie - Y6 - Is there ever a good reason not to be honest?
I think sometimes if you are completely honest it might make someone sad and I don't like making people sad.
Keeva - Y6 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is important because if you continue to lie and not be honest you can tell so many lies that you get mixed up and everyone finds out which will get you in more trouble than you'd be if in you were honest.
Eliska - Y6 - How do feel if you are not honest?
When I am dishonest, I feel bad because I told a lie and lying can spread bad rumours and other things that might not be very nice.
Dominik - Y4 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is important because if you don't be honest you could get in more trouble.
Julia - Y4 - Why is honesty important?
Honesty is important because it could hurt someone's feelings or it could make some one sad, angry or worried about it and you need to tell truth.
Ellie - Y6 - How do feel if you are not honest?
When I am not honest I feel terrible because I know that was not the right thing to do and that I lied to others and that is wrong.
Oscar B - Y4 - Why is honesty important?
If someone told you a secret and you tell someone else, you are not being honest and they might not be your friend.
Sienna R - Y4 - Why is honesty important?
HONESTY is very important because if you are ever in trouble, if you are honest you will get less in trouble
Jovita L - Why is honesty important?
I think honesty is important because if you're not honest people won't believe you any more.