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Red Oaks Primary School
Introduction Transition Booklets Safeguarding
Intro Nursery Reception Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six

Year Group Work Packs Spr/Sum 2020 - Year 5

Home school successes - click here for our videos/ sound files - last updated 24th June
Week by Week: Term Six

Week eight: challenges and daily tasks (wb 20th July)
All about me
Getting to know everyone
Transition to Yr6

Art Choice Board
Art Choice Board
Week by Week: Term Six

Week seven: challenges and daily tasks (wb 13th July)

Week six: challenges and daily tasks (wb 6th July)

Week five: challenges and daily tasks (wb 29th June)

Week four: challenges and daily tasks

Week three: challenges and daily tasks

Week two: challenges and daily tasks

Week one: challenges and daily tasks

Year 5: May 2020: Together - click to watch the video
Red Oaks Primary School
May 15th: Video messages from your teachers to say hello to you all - (you can also read their messages by clicking on the pdf link)

Hazel Class – Miss Wilson (read)
Beech Class – Mrs Tinson (read)
Beech Class – Mrs Storey (read)
Red Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary School
Week by Week: Summer Term 5 Week Five: challenges and daily tasks

Click on the link above to get started
Mind Travels
Click to view the larger image
Mind Travels
Click to view the larger image
Week by Week: Summer Term 5 Week Four: challenges and daily tasks

Click on the link above to get started
Week by Week: Summer Term 5 Week Three: challenges and daily tasks    

VE Day Challenge: View the Picture Gallery so far
Powerpoint or PDF

May the 4th be with you!

We hope you have enjoyed the range of tasks we have set for you so far. Remember to keep a record of everything you are doing in your workbook and keep sending bits to Dojo, we really enjoy seeing all of your work.

Thank you for all of the art pictures, they were so creative, Mrs Surch is very keen to make a display of these when we return to school so keep any originals you have.
You all now have Duolingo logins so you can practise your French at home.

Don't forget cracking comprehension is back up and running as well as reading buddies, we do look at these sites and see who is logging on and working on their comprehension.

Click on the link above to get started
Week by Week: Summer Term 5 Week Two: challenges and daily tasks

Good morning Year 5! We hope that you had a lovely weekend and you’re raring to go this week too. We have all been so impressed with the photos, videos and messages which you’ve posted on Dojo. Please keep them coming as it is great to hear from you all and to see what you’ve been doing.

Here are the activities and challenges ready for Week Two (week beginning 27th April). From now on, we will post all the activities, any links and instructions here on the website but we will put links to it all on Dojo too. Please stay in touch on Dojo and keep posting and messaging us too.

As well as doing the specific activities, please also keep going on the various apps and websites such as Education City, MyMaths, Cracking Comprehension, TT Rock Stars, Oxford Reading Buddies and
Click on the link above to get started
Mind Travels Writing Competition from Reading Cloud
Mind Travels
Week by Week: Summer Term 5 Week One: challenges and daily tasks

Good morning everybody! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and spent some time in the sunshine. I loved all of the baking photos that you sent, I’m actually really impressed with some of your baking skills and can’t wait to get back to school so I can try some of them out.
Unfortunately it seems we are not quite ready to get back to normal yet. But I know you understand how important it is that we follow these rules at the moment, even though it feels very strange.
I’ve got some new work for you for this week as well as a couple of fun challenges. All of the work and challenges will be posted on the website as well as here just in case it is easier to access from there. Please make sure you are going on the different apps such as reading buddies and my maths too because we have set work for you on there as well.
Click on the link above to get started
Online games and websites available to your children
Children have log ons to each of these in their home school contact book.

Education City - Tasks have been set

Oxford Reading Buddy

BBC Bitesize - General Resources

Cracking Comprehension

Times Tables Rockstars

My Maths

Purple Mash

BBC Typing Skills
Stories, Poetry and Games
Comic maker Try out your own superhero characters and settings and then decide what missions they go on as you build up your own comics.

Cool Reads Book reviews for KS2 children. Books recommended by children for children.

Poetry Archive Poems, quizzes and puzzles. Send in your own poems, search for a poem and ask poets questions.

Roald Dahl Quizzes, prompts for story writing, word, sentence and story writing activities and information about the author.

Storm Breaker Character profiles, gallery of clips from the film, movie news and behind the scenes information.

Teaching Ideas Great challenges, puzzles and ideas from nursery to Y6.

Talk for Writing: Home School booklets
Batch 3    Batch 2
    Donations requested if these resources are used. Red Oaks has made a donation.

Y5 and 6 statutory spelling mat

Spelling Frame For year group word lists and a range of free spelling games. The different 'Spelling Tiles' games are particularly good for representing the words and patterns in different ways.

Teaching Handwriting This is a great website that has lots of ideas for helping develop handwriting. It covers everything from core strength, correctly sitting position to forming letters.

Creative ideas
  • Imagine if there was a 10 star hotel for children! Write a description of this amazing place.
  • One day you come across a key. Imagine what this could be for… Write a story about this.
  • Find out about St George – Draw a cartoon strip to tell the story.
  • Create an animal with the head of one type of creature, body of another and legs of another. What is the name of this beast? Can you write a fact file about it?
  • Draw a map of a magical island and create a key to go with it.
  • Use an atlas or the Internet to find out all the capital cities of the countries in Europe. Can you learn these and get an adult to test you. Maybe you can test them too!
  • Go on a shape hunt around your house. What can you find and what shape is it? Think 2d and 3d.
  • Grow a bean or some cress. Observe what happens and record your findings.
  • Make a fact file or Power Point about the planets or some interesting facts you can find about space.
  • Make a snack, some cakes or a meal (with help) and write a set of instructions for what you have done.
  • Design and make a new board game to play with your family.
  • Design a new front cover and blurb for a book you have read recently.
  • Create a poster to encourage people to be environmentally friendly - you decide how.
  • Design and create a menu for a restaurant. You could draw pictures of the food and write the descriptions to go with it. Do you have any special offers?
  • Design your own theme park and create a poster or leaflet and write the script for an advert.
  • Imagine you have £1000 to spend on designing a new bedroom. Use a catalogue to cost this out.
  • Using a tape measure to measure things in your house.
  • Create a new nation – what is your country called, what language do the people speak? Write a national anthem, design a flag, what do they eat? What currency do they have?
Mr Hammond's KS2 Maths Lots of SATs style maths questions and tutorials.

Maths Games And Activities Pack 20 Fun Maths Challenges To Do At Home

Maths Apps: KS2
  1. Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
  2. Addition and Subtraction - Daydream Education
  3. Let's Do Mental Maths (6-7, 10-11)
  4. Motion Math HD Fractions
  5. Times Table Clock
  6. Pettson’s Inventions
  7. Squaring/Quadrillages
  8. Achieve Level 4 Mathematics (Rising Stars)
  9. Maths Brain!
  10. Fractions Smart Pirates
  11. Maths Splat
  12. Bubbles of Maths
  13. Grid Guru
  14. Math Bingo
  15. King of Maths
  16. Grand Prix Multiplication
  17. Chicken Coop Fractions

National Academy:Weekly Assemblies
Classroom Secrets
Letter to parents

Year 5 Learning Pack

Year 5 Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

Year 5 Practical Ideas Learning Pack
Power Pack Pals: Electricity activities (NEW, added 23rd April)
Power pack pals Certificate

PPP Electrical Presentation - Home version

PPP Safety Poster template

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

Find us using the Priory Vale Site Map