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Red Oaks Primary School

Spring Term 2021
Enquiry Webs and Letters to Parents

Forest Class
Miss Harvey
Red Oaks Primary School
Mrs Granger
Red Oaks Primary School
Mr Cowell, Miss Hearn and Mrs Wright
Red Oaks Primary School
Time Travellers
Enquiry Web

What is in Space? What happens in Spring?
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web

Amazing Adventures
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web

Year 1:
Mrs Talmage and Mrs Hogan
Red Oaks Primary School
Year 2:
Mrs Maxfield and Mrs Prophet, and Miss McGahey
Red Oaks Primary School
Year 3:
Mr Carter and Miss Wilson
Red Oaks Primary School

What can we find in the Past?
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web

What makes the world great?
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web
What makes the Earth active and what impact does it have on humans?’.
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web

Year 4:
Miss Gerrard and Mrs Marsden

Red Oaks Primary School
Year 5:
Mrs Tinson and Mrs Storey, and Mr Newton

Red Oaks Primary School
Year 6:
Miss Griffiths and Miss Manning

Red Oaks Primary School
What were the wonders of the ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and treasures?
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web
What made the Vikings the ultimate warriors of the sea?
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web
What was life like during WW2
Letter to Parents + Enquiry Web
We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

Find us using the Priory Vale Site Map