Page 4 - Red Oaks Primary School
P. 4

English Based Challenges
                 Read Oliver Twist by Charles

                 Dickens (Full version)

                 Complete an adult crossword

                 Recite the Jabberwocky by Lewis

                 Carroll off by heart

                 Read Swallows and Amazons by

                 Arthur Ransome

                 Read Lord of the Rings by JR


                 Recite Tyger Tyger off by heart

                 Learn to spell ten really difficult

                 words (see Mr Lee for a list)

                 Name ten plays by William


                 Write a story showcasing all of

                 your writing talents.

                 Visit a theatre or a show and write

                 a review.

                 Write down 5 of your favourite

                 words and explain why you chose


                 Summarise a Shakespeare play in

                 100 words exactly
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