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Red Oaks Primary School
Celebrating Children 2023-2024 - Year 4: Oak and Pear - Miss Brown and Mrs Jacques/ Miss Hearn

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Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome back after a lovely Easter break. We hope you are all rested and ready for our final terms together. As you can see from our learning web and the dates below, we have an exciting term ahead not to mention the Multiplication Tables Check in June.
click to downloadLearning Web and click to downloadLetter to Parents
Wednesday 17th January 2024
MTC (multiplication table check) parent meeting Tuesday 20th February after school in Miss Hearn and Mrs Jacques' classroom.
Wednesday 3rd January 2024
Happy New Year! We hope you all managed to have an enjoyable and restful Christmas break, they all really deserved the rest after a very busy, first long term in year 4.
Looking ahead to the spring term, it is undoubtedly going to be another busy and interesting one as we explore our new learning. For History this term, we will be learning all about the 'Ruthless Romans'.
click to downloadLearning Web and click to downloadLetter to Parents
Monday 16th October
Calculations guidance for year 4.
This document shows the methods taught in year 4 for all 4 operations.

Subordination with a comma
Good afternoon, something that came up at parents evening was the understanding of subordination with a comma. This link to a very catchy song should help you with understanding, subordinating conjunctions. I hope the video attached with my explanation is helpful too Thank you again for your support. Mrs Jacques

Recommended Reads
Following our parents' meetings this week, a few parents asked for some recommended reads. With Christmas coming up and wanting to encourage the next stage of reading, I have had a look online and these are some really good lists of books. I have seen children reading a few from this list and some are on our reading spine in school too.
These are mostly fiction so if you wanted some nonfiction options too I would recommend books about Europe, ancient Greece and modern Greece, The Romans and The rainforest. These are all areas that would link to the year 4 curriculum at Red Oaks. Children love being able to bring in a book or share learning that they have achieved at home with their friends. Atlas and maps are always really useful too.
I have attached the Year 4 learning map for the year for your information, as you may wish to explore other areas of the curriculum.
Reading lists for Year 3 and Reading lists for Year 4
Red Oaks talent!
This term we are looking at our school moto of Aspire, Achieve, Grow. During our school values assembly we watched this video. It shows children demonstrating a talent that they have been able to accomplish through modelling Aspire, Achieve, Grow.
I am convinced we could put our own video together showing a collection of talents from our incredible children, staff and wider community.
Please send your videos to me (Mrs Jacques) or send them to your class teacher on Dojo. The deadline is 6th October. This video will be posted on class Dojo and the website.
This can be a dance, trick shot, baking, training a dog, juggling ... the list is endless. I can't wait to see all the talent!
Thursday 21st September
Red Oaks talent!
This term we are looking at our school moto of Aspire, Achieve, Grow. During our school values assembly we watched this video. It shows children demonstrating a talent that they have been able to accomplish through modelling Aspire, Achieve, Grow.
I am convinced we could put our own video together showing a collection of talents from our incredible children, staff and wider community.
Please send your videos to me (Mrs Jacques) or send them to your class teacher on Dojo. The deadline is 6th October. This video will be posted on class Dojo and the website.
This can be a dance, trick shot, baking, training a dog, juggling ... the list is endless. I can't wait to see all the talent!
Monday 4th September
We hope you have an enjoyable summer and are excited to return for the start of a new school year. We are all eager to begin the teaching and learning to support the children’s curiosity and, as you can see from our learning web, we have an exciting term to start the year!
click to downloadLearning Web and click to downloadLetter to Parents
We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

Find us using the Priory Vale Site Map