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Red Oaks Primary School
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Page: Foundation Introduction

"Every child deserves the best possible start in life and to be supported in reaching their full potential. A child's experience in the early years has a major impact on their future learning and experiences. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in it's own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up."
(Statutory Framework for the Early Years, DFE, 2014)

Learning in the Early Years
Nursery Class Induction Procedures
Phonics Aspects

Play Workshop 2024
Huge thank you to the 18 who were able to come to the workshop. I know it is tricky for many of you during the school day so here are the slides. It hopefully shows the importance of play and what you can do to help at home. PS its worth watching the video link of Molly and the TED talk. Thank you again.
Any questions drop please me a line and hopefully I can do the next one based on Early years Maths skills or any other ideas you may have.
Mr. Cowell EYFS LEAD

Phonics and reading presentation 2024
Many thanks for those that could attend the phonics workshop today (Sept24). We hope you found it useful. There will be additional training on the importance of 'play' in October.
We hope this PPT is of use if you were unable to attend . We are happy to run again at another time if there is enough interest or meet people after school. We understand many of you have work commitments so we have a collection of resources we will distribute for those unable to attend.

New Parent Induction 2024
Thank you to all of those who attended the virtual New Parent Induction meeting
Red Oaks Primary School

Importance of Play Workshop
Huge thank you to the parents who made it along today to the Importance of Play Workshop. I understand many of you work so I have included a Summary of the PowerPoint and a short video embedded which is well worth a watch. It gave us a good chance to have a general discussion afterwards about learning and share ideas and experiences as parents. If you have any other ideas for workshops or information sessions please just drop me a line. I will try to record them live next time so you can enjoy at your leisure .Many thanks Mr. Cowell EYFS Phase leader

The EYFS curriculum and the ethos at Red Oaks: Download the presentation
Do you have a child starting at our school in September?

We would like to say a big welcome to Red Oaks Primary School and we look forward to meeting you in September. There is some information below about how to prepare for school in September. We have also included a virtual tour (see below) and a copy of our New Parent Induction Meeting we held in June.
How can I help my child get ready for school?

Being school ready involves encouraging your child to develop skills which help them to be independent and ready to learn. These skills range from eating and self-care to listening and turn taking.
I'm Ready For School Leaflet.
Road to School readiness

Road to School readiness Poster. This poster helps you and your child prepare for school, it includes these useful skills you and your child can work on in the lead up to school. Poster available to buy here

Here are some other ideas of things you could do to help your child feel ready:
  • Walk past the school so they can see where they are going.
  • Talk about what they are looking forward to.
  • Practise getting dressed in their new uniform.
  • If their name is on a label in their clothes, show them where and what to look for.
  • Is there anything they are worried about?
  • Play games together which practise turn taking or sharing.
  • Play 'schools' together.
  • Give them some words/phrases to help them ask for help from an adult.
  • Practise asking to go to the toilet and going to the toilet themselves.

Tell your child what you will be doing while they are at school – so that they don’t worry about you!
Please also visit Pacey which gives ideas of how to support your child in the lead up to starting school.
BBC Bitesize also offers some great advice from professionals and some videos you can share with your child
Also a 'First day at School' game which you may find useful.
New Early Years Framework

As of September 2021 we will be required to use the new frame work for early years education. We will also be carrying out the statutory Reception Baseline in the first term. This only applies to Reception children and not Nursery children. A copy of the new framework can be found here.

The two main changes are the removal of the 'exceeding' assessment for the end of Reception year and the removal of 'month bands' throughout the framework. Previously children's development was placed into month bands e.g. 22-36, 30-50 etc. These have now been replace by Birth to 3, 3-4 and Children in Reception.

There have been some changes to the end of Reception Early Learning Goals, these are as follows:
  • Literacy goes from two ELGs - Reading and Writing - to three, now encompassing Comprehension, Word Reading, and Writing.
  • Mathematics loses Shape, Space and Measure, replaced with Mathematical Patterns.
  • Understanding of the World has split The World into Past and Present, and The Natural World, while losing Technology.
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development now contains Self-Regulation, Building Relationships, and Managing Self, which it has taken from Physical Development.
  • Physical Development itself has now been split into Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills.
  • Communication and Language has lost one ELG, with Understanding folded into Listening, Attention, and Understanding.
  • Expressive Arts and Design have had slight changes in wording.

Click on the image to view our virtual tour
Red Oaks Primary School

Click on the image to view our virtual tour
Red Oaks Primary School

Early Years education at Red Oaks means an exciting and balanced curriculum that encourages exploration and independent learning. We always put the child at the centre of the learning, making learning enjoyable and accessible to all. Teachers respond to the children and plan accordingly. Therefore the planning is fluid and dynamic and responds to the child.

Every child is an individual and our child initiated, response based planning aims to provide them opportunities to develop their abilities. Please click on a year group picture to find out more.

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

Find us using the Priory Vale Site Map