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Red Oaks Primary School

Values Education at Red Oaks
'Awards for All' Success: Dec 08
We have been recertified as a Values Education School, one of only 40 in the country. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in obtaining this award.
Read the full report here
and our Values-based Education Statement and Guidance

Values at Red Oaks 2022-23 and 2023-24: View

Aspire, Achieve and Grow – What does this mean at Red Oaks Primary School?: View

Respectful School Communities: Evidence

So what does it mean to be thoughtful? Red Oaks Primary School is a Values-based school. Values are things we believe in that help us to make decisions about how to behave. They are the principles that guide our lives. Some commonly held values include thoughtfulness, respect, trust, love, friendship, courage... There are lots more values and many overlap.
Some values are quite tricky to understand and difficult to do every day; others are easier to spot and simpler to do.
So what does it mean to be thoughtful? Sometimes we forget about the values that are really important to us; we are too busy or we don't actually know what the values are.

At Red Oaks we are going to start looking at values in detail so that we all have the words to describe them to each other and know how to spot them in ourselves and in others. We will celebrate when people are showing values - by sharing them both on the website and in school. We are sure that parents will help you to understand values at home and will celebrate with you when you have showed them.
So what does it mean to be thoughtful? It's not just children who need to learn about values, adults have to think about them too and sometimes need to remind themselves to slow down and think about what is really important to them. Teachers at Red Oaks will be trying to live the values at the same time as the children: that way we can all learn together.
So what does it mean to be thoughtful? Values Education is not just something that helps you to learn when you are younger; it is a set of tools that you will carry with you all your life. Understanding values will help you to make difficult decisions even when you are a grown-up. To feel valued is a special thing and something we want to make sure everyone experiences at Red Oaks.

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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