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Red Oaks Primary School

2019 - 2020
Term 1
Aspire, Achieve, Grow
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Terms 5 and 6

Autumn Term 1 - Aspire, Achieve, Grow

What do you aspire to be in the future and why? Who inspires you and why?

Helping Hands launched a competition this term to invite children across the whole school to make a Lego model that shows us what they are aspiring to do in their future. We were blown away by the wonderfully creative entries all of which can be found on the Helping Hands section of the website. Here are the winners across the four categories.

I aspire to be an author when I'm older because I enjoy reading and writing. Robin Stevens inspires me because she writes mystery books that I really enjoy.
Welcoming Paul Sturgess from the Harlem Globetrotters.
Click to see the video and photos
In the future, I want to work in a zoo to help animals because I feel I can make difference to animals' lives.
My friend Harry because he's kind and he shares.
Sienna R
A vet because I like animals
I am inspired by the RAF because I want to drive planes
Oscar Bate
When I am older i want to be a doctor because you get to help people.
Sophie R
I want to be a archaeologist because I find science fun and I like digging things up.
Aoife K
A vet because i love animls
Ronaldo because I like football
Jake TW
I want to be a football teacher when I am older because i like to be one because football is amazing
Ronaldo because I like playing football.
JK Rowling inspires me because I like how she writes and most of her books are really good. My favourite is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
My Grandad inspires me because he nice and he gives me hugs. I want to be just like him, he is a farmer.
I would like to be a person who breaks down buildings and drives a wrecking ball. I think it would be a lot of fun.
Emily W
Wen I am older I want to be a nurse and a famous judo paler because O'm inspired byNatalie Powell and Maraeer
My mum inspires me because she helps me with my work and I want to be just like her when I am older!
Ronaldo because I like foot ball and it is really inspiring.
A YouTuber and a parcore legend with Dominik because it gives you a lot of good exercise. I would like to be a YouTuber because I like to play video games and I want to show video games to the world.
Parkour master because you get to go on roofs and jump over roofs as well, with my friends and there would be one of them.You can jump down off a roof.
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Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

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