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Red Oaks Primary School
Curriculum: RE

Curriculum Homepage
How do we teach RE? National Curriculum Help at Home/ Useful Links Photos
Curriculum Overview Curriculum Statement Scheme of Work Subject Guidance Class Pages

Help at Home/ Useful Links

Religious Education is a compulsory part of the National Curriculum.

As Red Oaks is a community school we deliver R.E. in line with the locally Agreed Swindon syllabus.

In accordance with the structure of this locally agreed syllabus we have agreed that
At KS 1 pupils study Christianity and Islam
At Lower KS 2 (year 3 & 4) pupils study Christianity and Islam
At Upper KS 2 (years 5 & 6) pupils study Christianity, Judaism & Sikhism

Useful Websites

1) BBC Bitesize Key Stage 2 - Lessons and information on a range of religions
2) BBC Bitesize Key Stage 1 - lessons, videos and information on a range of religions
3) TLS Books - Free worksheets to download on RE for children to complete
4) NATRE - free resources for key Stage 1
5) NATRE - free resources for Key Stage 2
6) Primary Resources - with different activities for both KS 1 and KS2
7) Teaching Ideas - RE activities/lessons for the children, plus free resources
8) RE start - for primary children, free downloadable resources, includes videos and animations of RE stories.
9) Primary Homework help – some resources and information about different Religions

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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