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Curriculum: Maths

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Termly Challenges Subject Guidance Y1-6 / EYFS TTRS Certificates NUMBOTS Certificates Class Pages

Termly Challenges

Welcome to our Challenge page for maths
Each term you will see 5 maths challenges that follow a problem-solving theme. The challenges are numbered, 1 being for younger children or an easier challenge to get going and 5 being a really tricky task to tax the most confident mathematician. When you complete a challenge send it Mrs Jacques who will post it on the website and the school Dojo page. Certificates will be handed out at the end of each term for those who successfully complete each task.

2024-25 Autumn term coming soon        
2023-24 Summer Term 2 Summer Term 1 Spring Term 2 Spring Term 1 Autumn Term 2

Term 6 theme is: Working Systematically
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Having a pattern or order to the way you work will really help when you're tackling these problems. That's what we call 'working systematically' and it's a very useful skill.

Robot Monsters
Red Oaks Primary School
A City of Towers
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Thirsty Orange
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Eggs In Baskets
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Through the Window
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June 4th
L. used the TD day to complete some maths challenges! What a great work ethic.
Red Oaks Primary School
The term hasn’t even started yet and P. has completed all 5 Maths challenges. What a great way to start the new term.
Red Oaks Primary School

Term 5 theme is: Conjecturing and Generalising

Making conjectures (theories), and then reasoning out whether they are true, sometimes true, or false, is part of developing the ideas of generalising that algebraic thinking depends on.

The Add and Take-away Path
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School Fair Necklaces
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Strike it Out
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Sitting Round the Party Tables
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Three Neighbours
Red Oaks Primary School

May 14th
R.has completed 2 of the maths challenges
Red Oaks Primary School

Great work A., you have completed all 5 maths challenges
Red Oaks Primary School

Term 4 theme is: Working Backwards
The working backwards method may be a good approach to solving some of these complex problems. In this method, the first step is to start with the final number. The next step is to undo the problem step-by-step in chronological order. The end is when the beginning is determinedRed Oaks Primary School.

Number Lines
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Number Rings
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Doing and Undoing
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Red Oaks Primary School
Andy's Marbles
Red Oaks Primary School

March 25th
S. solved the maths challenges 1-4 with a little help from her dad and she is super happy with the results.
Red Oaks Primary School

March 1st
E. in year 2 has had a go at maths challenges 1-3. She really enjoyed working out the answers, even though she found some challenging she was pleased when she worked out the right answer.
Red Oaks Primary School

Term 3 theme is: Visualising
When students can visualise, or picture a math problem or scenario in their minds, they are often better able to understand what steps they need to take to solve a problem. Visualisation can be helpful at all levels of math, and learning to do it early will equip students well for future success.
Visualising Instructions

Cover the Camel
Red Oaks Primary School
Red Oaks Primary School
Hundred Square
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Puzzling Cube
Red Oaks Primary School
Eight Hidden Squares
Red Oaks Primary School

Feb 8th:
Here are the last few children that have completed the maths challenges this term. Thank you to all the children who took the time to have a go at these challenges. They are not easy!
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Feb 7th:
Megan had a go at all five challenges! I’m so pleased that you found these challenges interesting and a break from ‘normal’ maths. These challenges really do make you think in a more creative way
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Noah and Theo had to go at some of the maths challenges. They discovered the importance of looking for patterns whilst completing their challenges.
Red Oaks Primary SchoolRed Oaks Primary School

Congratulations to Connie, who completed all five maths challenges! I love how creative you were.
Red Oaks Primary School

Jan 24th:
Great work Kacper, 3 maths challenges completed
Red Oaks Primary School
Jan 22nd:

Chloe and Sophie really enjoyed completing the maths challenges this week, silver awards coming your way at the end of term 

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Term 2 theme is: Trial and Error
In Maths, learners can use trial and error to solve problems. This means that learners think critically about the information they have been given and make educated guesses about what the answer might be. They substitute this guess into the problem (which is the trial part) to see if it is the correct missing piece.

Five Steps to 50
Red Oaks Primary School
One Big Triangle
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Heads and Feet
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The Tall Tower
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Four-digit Targets
Red Oaks Primary School

Nov 10th: A completed another maths challenge this week.
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Nov 8th: S completed two maths challenges; they were really challenging but she kept going.
Red Oaks Primary School
Nov 8th: K had many attempts but was always left with 1 triangle which didn't fit, finally worked it out when attempting with mummy.
Red Oaks Primary School
Nov 8th: R (year 3) completed the triangle challenge.
Red Oaks Primary School
Nov 7th: Here’s our first maths challenge champion! L in year 5 completed all 5 challenges!
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Nov 7th: Here’s another maths challenge champion! M in year 6 completed challenge 5! It’s a tricky one.
Red Oaks Primary School
Nov 7th: A and Y worked together to complete maths challenge 2 - teamwork makes the dream work.
Red Oaks Primary School
Nov 7th: J in year 4 completed 3 maths challenges this weekend! What a great job.
Red Oaks Primary School

Red Oaks Primary School

Red Oaks Primary School
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Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

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