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Inclusion: Dyslexia Friendly Schools
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Dyslexia Friendly Schools Intro Being Dyslexic is Being Someone Amazing! News Inclusive Homework Games Sources of Support

Inclusive Homework Games

Are you ready to become a Maths Ninja?

BBC Bitesize have created multi-sensory lessons for 9 to 11-year-old children with dyslexia to help them tackle topics such as positive and negative numbers.
Multi-sensory teaching is an important aspect of instruction for dyslexic students; animated explanations, opportunities to sing along and using movement helps to embed learning. Get involved by clicking through the BBC iPlayer

Free Books for Disabled Pupils!

Pupils who have difficulty reading ordinary printed books because of physical disability, visual impairment or dyslexia can get books as electronic files. Freely available from the Seeing Ear On Line Library at

For pupils and teachers! No need to be statemented or registered disabled!
3,500 books now and growing! Oxford Reading Tree, best sellers, textbooks - something for everyone! Easily adapted for large/giant print, Braille, synthetic speech etc!

Free to join - free to download. The Seeing Ear is a registered charity (1111371). Funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Free books in alternative formats.

Red Oaks website

The Red Oaks website has a wealth of ideas for homework that you can share in with your child.

See the following sections:
Homework Parents: school related
Maths, including I can
Promoting reading
English, including I can
Promoting numeracy
Foundation: letter and soundsAll children learn differently, and this section aims to provide a few fun key ideas which you can easily use to support your child when learning to read and spell.

If you would like to help your child with their phonics and practise the pure sounds we teach in school, you will find this letters and sounds phonics video really useful.
Click here to view

Reading/Spelling Practise  
Torch tracking
Use the torch to write the target word onto the wall. Then track the word with your eyes, and then finger, repeating the letters.
Practise your spellings by chalking them on sugar paper or outside. You could rainbow write using chalks as well.
Look, say, cover, make, write, check
  1. Write the target spellings in the left hand column of the attached sheet
  2. Have a good look at the word and say it. Cover it
  3. Then make the word using magnetic letters or something similar. Check
  4. Write the word. Check
Writing with Eyes Closed
  1. Read target word
  2. Close your eyes and ‘write’ the word in the air with your finger
  3. Write the word on a large sheet of paper with your eyes shut
  4. Focus on spelling, not handwriting
Magnetic Words
Make the target words using magnetic letters, e.g. on the fridge.
Jumble the letters up.
Can your child spot the mistakes and correct them by reforming the words?
Online magnetic letters
Give your child a selection of letters or the letters they need and see if they can rearrange the magnetic letters onscreen.
Rainbow Writing
You can use this method when children are learning to read or spell words or form letters or numerals. Simply write over and over the words/letters/numbers in different colours to create a rainbow effect. Say the letters/numbers as you trace.
Make a Wordsearch
Make a wordsearch using your child’s spellings for them to complete.
Make a Jigsaw
  1. Write a word on a sheet of card
  2. Cut between the letters to make a jigsaw puzzle
  3. Rearrange letters for child to complete the jigsaw
Glitter Glue
Write the word in glitter glue. Trace over it with your finger saying the letters once dry! Then say the word at the end. .
Go outside! Write your spellings on concrete using a supersoaker/water bottle or paintbrush with water!
Keyword twister
Write the words on scrap paper. This works just like the traditional game…put your right foot on...!
Walk the word
Walk the shape of the word on the ground. You could chalk it nice and big on concrete to help you.
Stepping stones
Write the letters of the word onto 'stepping stones' (scrap paper). Jump from one to the next, calling out the letter names, then word before putting it into a sentence, e.g. "w", "a", "s", "was", "I was happy!"
Jumping Jacks
Read the target word from a flashcard, name the letters and repeat the word.. Do the same again this time carrying out an action (jumping, hopping, clapping, jumping jacks).
Use a range of materials in which your child can write and make their words and letters.
For example:
•    Chocolate mousse - you can only lick your finger when you get it right!
•    Paint    •    Pipe cleaners   •    Sand
•    Salt    •    Pasta    •    Play dough
Write the word onto a card using colour. Raise above and, usually, to the left of your eye level to create a mental picture of the word and see the word in the "mind's eye". Then imagine the word on the wall, alter the colours and size. Finger trace the word onto the desk.

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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